Sunday, June 1, 2008

Weekend at Bernie's

Actually, it was just a weekend (+ some) at Jaana and Paul's place. But weekend at Bernie's sounded funny. Krista, Jorel and Markus came for what they thought would be 4 days and turned into a week and a half of adventure and delight. What can I say, I'm an amazing host! (I'm trying to convince Mika and Jessi to come visit me too!)

Anyway, there were some good times. There were some great times. There were some funny times. There were some gassy times. A good time to be had by all.

A quick recap on the goodness:

- Delicious food at Bob's Big Boy
- Bonfire at a cold and windy Huntington Beach
- Shopping at the new, fabulous Americana
- Taking Jorel to the LA Zoo (well it was more for Krista, since Jorel really couldn't see anything from his stoller)
- Getting our thrill on at Six Flags Magic Mountain
- Playing tennis at the High School (with our own rules)
- Jake and Markus camping with Paul and I - while Krista house-sat and walked a dog for one of our friends. (Sorry Krista! We missed you though!)

It has been awful quiet since everyone left. Its driving me and Jake a little crazy! But I'm so glad that everyone could be here and I'm truly grateful to have a flexible enough schedule that I could take some time to do these fun things. It was like a summer break for me too. If you guys had especially fun highlights, make sure to post 'em. Honestly, Jorel was my highlight. I can't express what a sweet, delicious baby he is. The rest of you are cool too, but come on! That kid is to die for. :)

Anyway, if anyone wants to view a LOT of pictures, please visit:

Love to all!


Anonymous said...

i think my favorite part of the whole trip was being able to extend it! haha best "weekend" ever! :)

Your Friend in Real Estate said...

I should have been there! I knew it! I sure could use a little vacation just about now - after 13 straight days at work. AGGHH! I suppose you can say I am continuing to make myself so valuable they can never fire me - or they will think I LOVE working with no time off. Better be careful with that one! Summer is just breezing by. So fun to see you kids have a good time. Next time I will not be so accomodating at work - I will take some time off too and enjoy the ride! Love you all!