Saturday, July 26, 2008

Nine Months!

Holy Crap, can you believe it? Nine months old this last Wednesday - the 23rd. He's crawling now and more independent than ever. It's weird to think that in only 3 more months he's going to be a year old and probably walking... This is how he likes to get around the kitchen - he crawls on the carpet:

So I've been trying to get this post up for a while.... He's now 9 1/2 months old and still silly as ever! He usually scoots around faster than this, but I thought this one was super funny because he had his hat on half naked, it was almost dark out and he was just so cute. He also has a little rug burn on his foot because he's found it faster to only drag one foot and let the other do all the work - he's so funny! He's also getting so chunky and it's wonderful. Can't wait to see you all soon!!!

-Pita and OJ for backwards

1 comment:

dxeechick said...

HAHA the hat. and the diaper. and he basically went in a circle. HAHAHA hilarious.